The fallopian tubes are two narrow tubes, one on each side of the womb that connects ovaries and the uterus(womb). Every month at the time of ovulation it carries egg from ovaries to the uterus. Conception happens in fallopian tube. Egg fertilized by sperm is carried for implantation by fallopian tube to uterus. A woman has a blocked fallopian tube, also known as tubal factor infertility, when a barrier stops the egg from moving down the tube or for sperm to get to the egg. This can happen on one side or both sides, causing infertility for up to 30% of infertile women.

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

When growth or scar tissues grow within a tube or between the tube’s end and an ovary, the tube might become blocked. These obstructions can be caused by a variety of health problems, including:

  • Inflammation of the pelvis (PID) – The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are all affected by PID, which is a bacterial infection. When left untreated, the infection can lead to inflammation and the development of scars and obstructions in the fallopian tubes.
  • Endometriosis – Endometriosis causes uterine tissue to develop in areas it shouldn’t develop, such as the fallopian tubes. These growths might obstruct the flow of blood or induce scarring.
  • Past ectopic pregnancy– When pregnancy goes outside uterus it’s called ectopic pregnancy, this can scar the fallopian tube and obstruct it.
  • Fibroids: These growths can block the fallopian tube, particularly where they attach to the uterus.
  • Abdominal or pelvic surgery – Any past operation in the lower abdomen or pelvic areas, such as surgery to remove uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, has the risk of causing scar tissue, which can lead to tube blockage. Scarring may result from a burst appendix caused by appendicitis.

Other reasons for clogged fallopian tubes include:

  • An STD infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, is present or has been present in the past
  • Abortion or miscarriage-related uterine infection history
  • An appendix rupture has occurred in the past
  • Ectopic pregnancy in the past
  • Fallopian tube surgery, such as tubal ligation, has been performed previously

3 Main Reasons for blocked fallopian tubes

The following are the three main causes of obstructed fallopian tubes:

1. Scar Tissue and Fallopian Tubes

Scar tissue that forms both on the exterior and inside of the fallopian tubes might obstruct them. Previous infections, inflammatory bowel illness, endometriosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa are the most prevalent causes of scar tissue formation. All of these diseases can lead the body to produce scar tissue, which can shut the fallopian tubes from the inside or outside.

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2. Infection-Related Tubal Blockage

Prior infection is the most common cause of tubal obstruction in women who have not had their tubes tied. It’s possible that the infection started in the pelvis and spread to the rest of the abdomen.

A burst appendix, severe gallbladder illness, any substantial damage to the intestines, or inflammatory bowel disease are all examples of abdominal infections that can induce tubal obstruction.

When the body is infected with a serious infection, the immune system reacts to combat the infection. Scar tissue development is one of the outcomes of this immunological response. Typically, the aforementioned diseases induce tubal blockage by causing scar tissue in the pelvis to develop across the tube’s exterior or cause closure at the tube’s end.

Pelvic inflammatory illness is the most frequent infection that can induce tubal obstruction (PID). These diseases are frequently spread sexually and can cause significant damage to the tubes’ ends, insides, and outsides.

3. Tubal Blockage from Endometriosis and Surgery

Endometriosis can cause scar tissue to develop as a result of the body’s immunological reaction, which can obstruct the fallopian tubes. Any operation to the tubes, ovaries, uterus, or pelvis might result in scar tissue, which can cause the tubes to become blocked.



Getting pregnant on your own or with low-tech therapies may be possible if just one fallopian tube is obstructed. Surgery or IVF therapy may be required if both tubes are obstructed. You should discuss all of your choices with your doctor. Consider adoption or foster care if IVF or surgery aren’t viable options.

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Dr. Gunjan Gupta Fertility and IVF Specialist in Delhi

Dr. Gunjan Gupta

Gynecologist and IVF specialist
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Dr. Gunjan Gupta is a Gynaecologist with a specialization in IVF, Infertility & Laparoscopy specialist doctor and has close to 2 decades of experience in : Treating Infertility, Performing Gynae Laparoscopy (Keyhole Surgeries) Handing high-risk Pregnancies. She is a Member of Royal College of Obs and Gynae (MRCOG) of UK and has been trained in Laparoscopy at EUDGES (France).

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