In a high-risk pregnancy, you, your baby, or both are more likely to experience health complications during pregnancy or birth. You need highly qualified professionals to handle such cases.
Complications can develop during or even at the start of pregnancy due to the presence of underlying chronic diseases such as
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Complications from a prior pregnancy
- Other factors (genetic diseases causing birth defects)
Although there is no way to escape a high-risk pregnancy, consistent monitoring can help you have an excellent pregnancy and a smooth delivery.

What is a high-risk pregnancy?
Every pregnancy has some level of danger. A “high-risk” pregnancy is defined as one in which the pregnant woman, the fetus (unborn infant), or both are exposed to greater health hazards.
High-risk pregnancies may require special attention before, during, and after delivery. Special care helps to minimize the risk of this problem.
On the other hand, having a high-risk pregnancy does not guarantee that you or your unborn child will have complications. Many people have healthy pregnancies and regular labor and birth despite having underlying health issues.
Dos and Don’t – High-Risk Pregnancy
1. Healthy nutrition
Eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to have a healthy baby. The vitamins aid in the fetus’s healthy development and prevent birth defects. Prenatal vitamins provide increased dosages of essential nutrients that pregnant mothers require, such as calcium, iron, and folic acid.
Multivitamins tablets frequently contain DHA, EPA, or both. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for your baby’s optimal brain development.
2. Make sure you get enough rest.
Sleep would be difficult to come by for pregnant females because of:
Changing hormone levels
Anticipation and anxiety.
Pregnancy requires plenty of rest, especially in the last trimester. Make a rest schedule and follow it. Take a quick nap if you’re tired. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
3. Exercise regularly
Pregnant women no longer have to avoid raising a fingertip during their pregnancies: We now know that exercise is beneficial to both the mother and the child. Regular exercise is highly recommended during pregnancy. Maintain your fitness routine before becoming pregnant as well. Consult an Obstetrician-Gynecologists before you change your daily routine.
4. Seafood
It is high in vitamins and minerals like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron, all of which are good for your heart. All of these things are crucial for both mom and baby.
However, seafood may contain hazardous bacteria and viruses, destroyed when appropriately cooked. Eat a variety of fresh fish such as salmon, mackerel or prawns. Your fish intake should exceed more than 12 ounces per week.
5. Gain weight in a healthy way.
Putting on a lot of weight during pregnancy can be harmful to your kid. Women must plan ahead of time what they will consume and how much they will eat.
To support your growing fetus throughout your first trimester, you only need roughly 100 more calories each day. By the third trimester, you’ve increased your daily calorie intake to around 300 to 500 calories.
6. Yoga
Pregnancy or mild exercise classes for pregnant females are available. The instructors will know which poses are optimal and which should be avoided. If you haven’t done yoga before becoming pregnant, consult your doctor before enrolling in a class. Before you begin, it’s wise to discuss the risks and concerns with your doctor.
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1. Smoke
Smoking during pregnancy increases the chances of low birth weight and learning disabilities in infants. Children born to smoking moms may develop smoking habits.
2. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol can have profound effects on the growth of the child. There doesn’t appear to be a safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. People who consume alcohol while pregnant may give birth to a child with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
FAS symptoms include:
- Learning impairments
- behavioral issues
- low birth weight.
- Certain growth lagging tendencies.
3. Reduce Caffeine intake
Caffeine can enter through the placenta (tube attached to the fetus) and harm the baby’s heart. According to current studies, women can safely drink a cup or two of coffee per day while pregnant, but not beyond that.
4. Don’t consume raw meat.
Foodborne illnesses such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis can be contracted from raw meat and eggs. It’s also possible that you’ll get food poisoning. These infections can result in serious illnesses, birth deformities, and even miscarriage. If you’re pregnant, make sure all the eggs and meat you eat are well cooked.
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You should be active enough to help your tiny gift of joy thrive in a nurturing, healthy environment before they come.
We hope this list of high pregnancy risk dos and don’ts helps you figure out what you should and should not be concerned about in pregnancy.
If you want high-risk pregnancy counseling. You can come to our clinic. Gunjan IVF World is one of the best high-risk pregnancy care centers in Delhi, India.
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